5 Powerful Motivators To Learn To Be Intentional About Hygge

person holding orange pealed flower

For the last several articles, we’ve been talking about the concept of hygge. So far, you should know what it is, what it looks and feels like, and how you might apply it into both your home and your life. Check out the links!

Today, we are going to delve into a sort of overlapping and yet unique concept parallel to these ideas: hygge in your purpose. Or, you might say, hygge on purpose! Why do all this? Why even think about it? Is just some sort of luxury for self? Or is there more to it?

Hygge On Purpose

Hygge is the sort of thing some of us just gravitate towards and make it happen, because we just need that safe space. We already have a long list of ways to surround ourselves with food, friends, and atmosphere that encourages us, provides us with a sense of well-being, and helps us to be refreshed. 🍴

But some of us are just so used to barreling through our lives, and wanting purpose to our tasks (which is excellent, I by no means wish to disparage that), that we might forget that hygge is, in fact, not at all without purpose, as well. It’s not always some extra item that may or may not make it on the day’s, week’s, or even month’s, “to do” list, and if it doesn’t no harm done. I think it’s harder to feel or track the effects of hygge, which is why it’s easier to ignore. But, as a matter of fact, I think that for those of us who are motivated to get a lot done, it is more beneficial to find rest, not less. Do you want to get it all done, or stop too soon for lack of “fuel”? I rest because I have so much to do. And it does get done!

I certainly have found that at different times, I can do one or the other. Which one are you currently in? How could you shift more towards the middle? Or, are you reading this article for someone else? 😉

Hygge and Purpose

Breakfast and Coffee at Table in Cozy Home

After thinking about what purpose hygge really contains and what value it has, I’ve come up with these few ideas to keep you focused on having some hygge in your life.👀 After all, in busy seasons, we forget things like this-or, perhaps, use them as procrastination assistants! 😳

Either way, while you don’t want too much indulgence, remembering to take breaks in life is so key.🗝️ So, here are some ideas for why you may need to remind yourself to slow down and savor the cozy things:

1 . Your brain needs refreshment.

I think that some of our best ideas can come, some of our best solutions and creativity, can flow if we just take a break from them for awhile. Actually, my mom found this out when I was a little girl. She was studying at the time, and she found that getting the floor and playing with her infant/toddler for awhile, gave us the relational space we needed to bond and grow, but also helped her mind to take a break from the intense equations she was working with in her studies.

I’ve found the same walking away or taking a nap can be the most productive solution. So, think about it; play, sit, read…take a hygge moment.

Have you discovered this yet? Do you find solutions or creativity coming after a break? 🤔

2. Your body needs refreshment.

photo of hammock outdoor

We tend to work our bodies pretty hard. I know as a mom, certainly, and especially of young children, just keeping up takes a lot! We have jobs to do, places to go, people to serve….it takes a lot to live on this planet! Figuring out what works and what doesn’t is worth the journey.

I love this quote I found trying to find this:

“The time to relax is when you don’t have time for it.”

Sydney J. Harris

And, I’ve heard it said somewhere, essentially, that if you don’t take time to rest your body, your body will eventually make you give it rest-the implication being, in an unpleasant necessity. I don’t want that for you, and more importantly , your loved ones don’t want that for you! Rest on purpose, enjoy some hygge moments, so that your body can replenish. Get plenty of sleep, and water, and vitamins…all the good things.💤💧

3. It takes intentionality to keep priorities in place

person writing bucket list on book

Have you ever made a good intention, and kept it for awhile, just to let it drop, and think later- “oh dear, where did that ever go again?”. I know I have. 🙄

I heard a quote once (again, sorry I do not remember any details), that priorities will inevitably slip, if you do not keep them firmly in place. So, remember to be intentional about your hygge, and you’re more likely to incorporate it into your even very busy lifestyle!

4. You’re much more likely to make room for things that you know have a meaning to you.

White Ceramic Cup on Saucer

If something is a low priority, it’s hard to make room for it. How many times have you put something off, just because it’s so low on the broad “everything I have to do” list? And yet, hygge in your life ought to be, perhaps, even higher than you may realize. As we just discussed, it could contribute (my opinion, on common sense) to a better overall health. And, it’s flexible, which means almost everyone can figure out how to do it. Finally, if you don’t make it a priority, who will do it for you? (that’s amazing if you have someone who does, by the way!😍 )

Do you have it high enough on your “to do’s” to make it a daily, or at the very least, a weekly priority? Do you take time to sit by a roaring fire or make a bonfire on the beach or read a cozy mystery? If the answer is “never” to whatever refuels your soul, you probably need to kick it up several points on the priority list!📃

5. Hygge isn’t complicated (unless you choose so!)

brown wooden blocks with number 8

Finally, hygge is such a broad category. It doesn’t have to be everything in place and every task done and everything perfect (how often can we get perfection on this earth?).🤔😊 I know, it’s hard for perfectionists, but honestly, why not enjoy our slightly-less-than-perfect hygge moments? I mean the ones that still have elements of friendship, or beauty, or hope, or rest. I encourage you to not wait for “the perfect thing”, but to just weave it into your lifestyle. 🌅

Hygge With Purpose

black and white typewriter on green textile

So! There you go! Five ways that hygge might be more important than you think, and something to consider when you’re going to brush it all aside. A few personal reasons to stop-so that you can keep going and pursuing your goals and purposes, for much, much longer, and hopefully with much less or no burnout or exhaustion!