Five Important Ways To Recapture Restful Times At Home

As I write this, we are in the midst of winter. On my side of the world, we are often beset with snow, and, in our case, heavy clouds and rain. On the other side of the world, you may be having extreme heat that also drives you indoors.

So, today we are going to discuss a little about ways to refresh yourself indoors- it’s essential to a home with purpose to have ways within it to find rest.

Why is Taking Rest Time Important?

Guess what? You’re human. Yup. And so am I, and so is your neighbor. And we were made to have times of sleep and eating (other essential home elements!), but also to simply stop. In a world that’s increasingly online, hectic, and offers lots and lots of options, you might find yourself needing to really make rest happen- it won’t happen by itself, the way it used to!

So, I have compiled a couple of ways for you to think about this for yourself. Yours might be different than mine; and I have sympathy if you are the sort of person who best likes new places. However, you still have a home, so why not make it as relaxing as possible? If you spend less time indoors, you really want those few hours to be as high in quality as possible.

For those of you who, like me, live a great deal of your day within the home, you of course want some extra habits and routines- for all inhabitants of the home- that support the volume of living that takes place within it!

Here, then, are some ways you might think about implementing rest within doors:

Five Important Ways To Recapture Restful Times At Home

Blue Sunsets Scheduled:

This phrase means “screens off.” I’ve yet to be so disciplined, but I’ve heard that it’s beneficial to turn screens off before you sleep; daily, weekly, and monthly setting time aside, and even taking a week yearly to disconnect.

I think that this ability helps us to live in the present moment; engaging our five senses and, consequently, more aware of our surroundings, and most importantly, the people in it! If you have littles, you might play with them with toys or make a simple snack together.

For families with older kids, how about a puzzle or board game? They might initially grumble, but often, those regular times of deeper connecting end up being the happiest memories for everyone.  

Unclutter Your Thoughts:

For me, taking time to read my Bible is a must. Prayer and Scripture set the tone early in the day, or any time that I really need space to breathe. A slower, effective but less holistic way to do this might be to read a positive or favorite book, or look at a magazine that is restful: I like garden and home magazines. The beautiful pictures that someone else went to the trouble to create is much appreciated in my oasis of time refreshment.

Create a relaxing environment:

Make your home a sanctuary by creating a relaxing environment. This could mean lighting candles, playing soft music, or simply decluttering your space. Pro Tip I Learned The Hard Way: keep a habit of clearing the clutter, or the declutter is too much by the time you need the rest!

Do something you enjoy:

Take time each day to do something you enjoy, whether it’s repairing cars, woodworking, taking a bath, or going for a walk. You might like cross stitch, piano playing, or making up new recipes. It doesn’t have to be amazing or productive, but you do need to enjoy it!

Connect with others:

Spending time with loved ones can be a great way to reduce stress and recharge, and at the same time, one of the hardest to manage. Make sure everyone’s schedule includes some “together time”, and I highly recommend meals around the table. There’s absolutely nothing that is like it, especially when consistently done.

In fact, that is my ongoing-I’m-still-working-this-one Pro Tip: Be consistent. Consistently lay aside screens. Consistently connect with your family. Consistently take care of yourself; sleep consistently; consistently practice a new skill. Consistently clear paperwork. You know?

Don’t let inconsistency rob you of rest, peace, or forward progress in what actually matters most. #hardtruth

Indoors And Loving It

I don’t know if you super love being indoors, or if it’s a huge challenge. But, I do know that it holds simple treasures, tangible and intangible.

Hopefully remembering the real purpose of your home, as well as finding ways to really enjoy the time you have in it-whether you feel like it’s way too little or way too much- will help your heart stay thankful and your time stay useful! Rest, remember, can be really useful!

And, always remember that a good day for the outdoors is always around the corner! 😉